Russell Martin's Blog:
Saying Yes Quickly

The Onward Song
THE ONWARD SONG, POEMS, published by SAY YES QUICKLY BOOKS The Onward Song is poet K.J. Paradis’s stunning debut collection—six dozen exquisitely crafted poems that are

Man Dies, Leaves Widow on Earth
MAN DIES, LEAVES WIDOW ON EARTH: A Cycle of Poems on Intimacy, Nature & Grief, published by SAY YES QUICKLY BOOKS With this stunning new

You’re on the Verge of Something Big
YOU’RE ON THE VERGE OF SOMETHING BIG: Finding the Joy and Authenticity Already Inside You, by Roshni Daya, published by SAY YES QUICKLY BOOKS IN HER

Threads of Grace
THREADS OF GRACE: A Mother’s memoir of Love & Addiction, published by SAY YES QUICKLY BOOKS Raising her two sons as a single mother in

The Essential
Russell Martin
SOME TIME AGO, during the run of years when several of my books were first published by Henry Holt & Company, I was blessed to

Consider Hybrid Publishing with Say Yes Quickly Books
MORE AND MORE clients whose books have exceptional merit or seem certain to find a successful niche in the marketplace—or both—are choosing the hybrid publishing